Orestis-Klakeas Servetalis 2021

Orestes by Euripides

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After years of directing ancient Greek comedies, Giannis Kakleas returns to the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus with his very first directed ancient Greek tragedy, Orestes by Euripides, translated by Giorgos Chimonas. The play will be also presented at theopen-air Andros theatre.

Orestes by Euripides is a play filled with bitter conflicts, plot twists, apologies and intense political reflection. This playposes questionson the relations between generations and sexes, social cohesion, and the survival of young people in a world shaped by factors beyond their control.

Orestis Aris Servetalis 2021
The play stars the brilliant actor Aris Servetalis in the role of Orestes, accompanied by an exquisite troupe of actors and actresses who stand out for their acting skills, including: Mary Mina (Electra), Panos Vlachos (Menelaus), Giorgos Psychogios (Tyndareus), Emilianos Stamatakis (Pylades), Nikoleta Kotsailidou (Helen of Troy) and Jerome Kaluta (Phrygian).

With the participation of: Katerina Zafeiropoulou, Alkistis Giraud, Niki Lami, Ioanna Lekka, Danai Moutsopoulou, Matina Pergioudaki, Eliza Skolidi, Anastasia Stylianidi, Electra Fragiadaki.


Orestis Kalkeas 2021

Orestis_Vlaxos Servetalis 2021

Orestis_2 2021

The plot unfolds in the city of Argos.
Electra and Orestes, young, hurt, fragile, helpless and vulnerable, suffocating within their myth, are transformed into wild beasts.
Persecuted after killing their mother, they – formerly kings’ offspring – become pariahs in their family and unwanted in their homeland.

Menelaus and Helen return from Troy. The two siblings hope for Menelaus’ intervention, however, neither he nor Tyndareus intend to help them. As such, Orestes turns to Pylades. With Electra’s help, they devise a revenge plan aiming to victimise Helen and her daughter, Hermione. Ultimately, deus ex machina Apollo intervenes and provides the final solution.

In Orestes, Euripides picks up the thread of the myth of the two siblings (Orestes and Electra) right after Clytemnestra’s murder, in order to bring it closer to the human dimension and to talk about young people’s survival in a world defined by circumstances beyond their control. He sinks his heroes in the darkness of sorrow, despair and hopelessness, in search of the Light.
In search of the Truth.
In search of Self-knowledge.

✦ Orestes by Euripides (408 BC) provides an insightful commentary on the function of the Athenian democracy. It is considered the poet’s last work that was presented in Athens before the poet’s departure for the ancient Greek region of Macedonia, and it addresses the young matricides’ fate after their crime.


Direction/Dramaturgy: Giannis Kakleas
Translation: Giorgos Chimonas
Set and costume design: Ilenia Douladiri/Giannis Kakleas
Music: Stavros Gasparatos
Movement: ArisServetalis
Lighting: Stella Kaltsou
Assistant director: Angeliki Trobouki
2nd assistant director: Aris Kakleas
Assistant costume designer: Ioanna Kalavrou
Assistant composer: Alexandra Katerinopoulou
Lighting assistant: Stevi Koutsothanasi

Aris Servetalis (Orestes)
Mary Mina (Electra)
Panos Vlachos (Menelaus)
Emilianos Stamatakis (Pylades)
Giorgos Psychogios (Tyndareus)
Nikoleta Kotsailidou (Helen of Troy)
Jerome Kaluta (Phrygian)

Katerina Zafeiropoulou
Alkistis Giraud
Niki Lami
Ioanna Lekka
Danai Moutsopoulou
Matina Pergioudaki
Eliza Skolidi
Anastasia Stylianidi
Electra Fragiadaki

Production: ΤΕΧΝΗΧΩΡΟΣ (Technichoros LP)

General admission: 20 EUR
Discounted admission for students, unemployed and people with disabilities: 15 EUR

For ticket reservations CLICK HERE
Start time
Open Theatre of Andros