For yet another year, Andros is at the epicenter of summer cultural activities, offering its residents and visitors special concerts, theatrical plays and local events.
The Festival is once again organised by the Non-Profit Company “Friends of the Andros Festival” under the auspices of the Municipality of Andros, with the support of sponsors, volunteers and employees from Andros and other places.
Iam lucky because when I sit at night on the warm concrete theatre stands, I live the unique experience of the start of the performances, as the stage lights discreetly turn on, the spectators’ chat becomes a whisper of anticipation and Art steps into the forefront.
This is the eighth year that the Festival takes place at the stone theatre of Andros, but the nervousness and the suspense are the same as during the very first time.
Will there be much audience attendance? Will locals and tourists appreciate the performances?
Will the invited artists be left with a good impression of the audience’s response and the hospitality of Andros island? Will volunteers and the people who love the Festival and assist in every possible way, say that it’ll have been worth it after all?
The 33 years I’ve been living on Andros are proof of my love for the people, the history, the culture, the beauty of nature and daily life with friends and neighbours here on the island.
The competent and tireless Festival team feels the same about the island and this institution that we have been serving as best as we can throughout the past years.
So here we go again!
Theatre, music, dance and starry skies.
With so much distress and hardship all around, the thirst for emotion, joy, euphoria and the precious reflection offered by artistic creation might be even greater.
In the times we live, breaths of culture are most essential.
The Artistic Director
Pantelis Voulgaris