1st International Andros Festival

1ο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Άνδρου

Summer 2015

I’m an islander. My father came from Samos, my mother from Naxos. I tied to Andros for several years. It’s not only the beauty of the island, but the people who embraced us from the first moment. Especially after Little England, where I had the warm support of the people of Andros, I consider it my duty to help as much as I can the new institution of Andros International Festival, which opens this August.

Although every summer the island hosts major art events in the Goulandris Museum and the Kydonieos Museum, the new open theater created with the support of Andreoti Alcibiades Tatto ensures the creation and continuation of the new institution. This year we anticipate to celebrate the inauguration of the new theater with four major events. Two Epidaurus theatrical productions, the “The Trojan Women” by Euripides, a production of the National Theatre of Greece and “The Acharnians” by Aristophanes, directed by Yannis Kakleas, and two appearances of significant Greek music artists, Dimitra Galani and Philippos Pliatsikas.

The ambition of the new institution is to host art events every year, allowing the Andreotes – and not only- to enjoy Greek and foreign artists. Tested in art and younger. Of course, the space will be made available at the same Andreotes and their art. In theater groups that for years have provided quality performances, in Philharmonic Youth and Choir.

I wish this year to be important and also give us the opportunity to think about the best for the coming years.


Artistic Director of Andros International Festival
Pantelis Voulgaris
